Homework and Messages

Homework and Messages
We thought this might be a useful space in which to keep a note of homework tasks and messages. If you lose your bit of paper or forget your Home/School Book, this might be the place to check!
Please send your homework to our Year 4 email account...


Summer Homework

As you may know, all children in Year 4 will be completing the Year 4 Multiplication Check in June. We have been doing lots of work on times tables in school over the past two terms as times table knowledge and fluency is crucially important for progression in mathematics. We would like children to really focus on their times tables this half term and as such, this will be the focus for homework. Below is a booklet with lots of ideas for how you can support your child with learning their times tables.
This does not need to be recorded in homework books but if children would like to keep a log of when and how they have done times table practice or practise in their homework books then they of course can.

Spellings will continue to be set weekly.

Please see the document below for more information.