Y4 Art and Design

Essential objectives: To develop ideas
  • Develop ideas from starting points throughout the curriculum,
  • Collect information, sketches and resources,
  • Adapt and refine ideas as they progress,
  • Explore ideas in a variety of ways,
  • Comment on artworks using visual language.
Essential objectives: To master techniques.
Techniques and Skills
  • Annotate sketches to explain and elaborate ideas,
  • Use lines to represent movement.
  • Use shading to show light and shadow,
  • Use hatching and cross hatching to show tone and texture.
  • Use a number of brush techniques using thick and thin brushes to produce shapes, textures, patterns and lines,
  • Experiment with creating mood with colour.
  • Use coiling, overlapping, tessellation, mosaic and montage.
  • Use ceramic mosaic materials and techniques.
  • Include texture that conveys feelings, expression or movement,
  • Add materials to provide interesting detail.
  • Make printing blocks (e.g. from coiled string glued to a block),
  • Make precise repeating patterns.
  • Colour fabric
  • Quilt, pad and gather fabric
Digital Media
  • Create images, video and sound recordings and explain why they were created.
Essential objectives: To take inspiration from the greats (classic and modern).
  • Create original pieces that are influenced by studies of others.