Y5 Geography

Linked to Britain at War
  • I can name and locate the countries of Europe, and their major cities, on a map (including the location of Russia).
  • I can use the eight points of a compass, and six-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build my knowledge of the wider world
  • I can describe and understand key aspects of biomes and vegetation belts.
  • I can identify the position and significance of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and the Arctic and Antarctic Circle.
  • I can use maps, atlases and globes to locate world countries and describe features studied.
  • I can describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water.
Linked to Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain
  • I can name and locate the countries of Europe on a map.
  • I can name and locate counties and cities of the UK on a map.
  • I can describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water.