Welcome to the Year 3 blog.
Please find details here of all the wonderful things that we will be learning in class. We will add photos of the children as the term progresses.
Important information will still be sent home via email.
We will also include a separate page for our weekly spellings.
Today's lesson was all about where different representations of numbers should go on a number line; first on a marked one, then on an unmarked one.
The children were encouraged to discuss their answers with a talk partner and explain their reasoning.
Yes, the children did draw on their tables!
In our English unit, we have been reading 'In Our Hands' by Lucy Farfort. Today we had to create our own image of a character that could feature in the book.
Friday Problem Solving
Today our problem was about Beads and Bags.
This problem involves three beads and lots of bags.
There are as many bags as you need.
The children were challenged with finding a way to put the beads into some of the bags, then to find another different way to put the beads into some of the bags. Could they find more than two possible solutions?
Mathematical minds were blown away by this problem! It was a super fun and creative session. The problem provided an opportunity for the children to develop and refine their own recording system with a clear purpose in mind. The activity allowed them to think creatively in the way they approached the problem and, in the recording, and they needed to work systematically if they were to find different possibilities.
There's something fishy going on...
Great excitement in 3X this morning as we welcomed a new fish, and a platinum dwarf Congo frog! We love to see the children's faces as we add to our tank, and having class pets is a great way for them to become responsible around animals. It's a great science link too, as we watch life cycles unfold in front of our eyes. We can't wait to watch 'Pongo' the frog mature to adulthood.
Year 3 were busy at work this morning using their problem-solving skills in maths. This was a problem where children were only given some of the information, and had to use their investigative skills to find out the answer.
This afternoon, Year 3 created a repeated pattern inspired by Pop art. Mrs Thompson and Miss Copeland have been blown away by the artistic talent in their classrooms. Well done, Year 3!
Friday Problem Solving
NRICH: Button up!
My coat has three different buttons.
Sometimes, I do them up starting with the top button. Sometimes, I start somewhere else.
How many ways can you find to do up my coat?
How will you remember them?
Do you think there are any more? How do you know?
Getting started:
What could you change about the buttoning?
Do you always have to start in the same place?
How will you remember the ways you've found?
Mono-printing is a way of printing images using ink. This requires a machine or hand press to transfer the image from the plate to the paper. In this special way of printing, you can make just one copy of artwork at a time. 3Y used their hand to transfer the image into their sketch books, and they had time to make more than one copy of the skull. They are certainly becoming printing pros!
School council.
It is that time of year when we vote for who we want our class representative to be for school council. If they would like to put themselves forward for the role, children need to do a short presentation detailing why they would like to be elected, and what qualities they have that would make them a great rep. If your child has already been a school rep, then they are not eligible to apply again.
Children are welcome to make posters, or give a short speech, or even make a powerpoint presentation. We will make time to share these in class.
All presentations must be in by Thursday 12th October at the very latest.
In Our Hands
The children have been learning about how to care for our environment, and how important it is for them to do their bit to protect it. We have had detailed discussions about our community, and how little changes can make a big difference. They are true eco-warriors! We wrote a paragraph about what we could do to help, and then decorated around them to create superb posters.
NRICH: How Odd
What a busy 'Friday Problem Solving' maths session. Lots of questions to answer and different possibilities to find. The children worked hard to answer the questions written below- well done everyone!
How many odd numbers are there between 3 and 11?
How many odd numbers are there between 4 and 11?
What do you notice? Can you explain your observation?
Can you find any other pairs of numbers which have this same number of odds between them?
Can you find a pair of numbers which have four odd numbers between them?
How would you explain to someone else how to find a pair of numbers that have a certain number of odds between them?
This week, we are going to look at pairs of homophone words.
Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.
Human skeletons!
The children were tasked with correctly labelling the names of the bones in the human skeleton.
Maths - Strike it Out!
You know the children are enjoying their learning when there is a real buzz in the air and excited voices. This morning we have been applying our addition and subtraction skills by playing a game called Strike it Out.
The link to the game is below... do you dare to challenge your Year 3 child? They are really rather good at it!
School Council
We were delighted to see so many children put themselves forward for the role of student representative for our school council this year. And we were incredibly impressed with the standard of their posters, speeches and power point presentations. It was a very tricky decision, but we are so proud of the support that the children gave to each other, and to our newly elected reps Charlie in Year 3X and Leo in 3Y.
Woolly Mammoths!
Please find details below of a letter that had been sent to parents today, regarding our next project in English. We have also attached a photo to show a previous example.
A harvest festival is a celebration of the food that is grown on the land. In Britain, harvest festivals are often celebrated in churches by bringing baskets of food to give thanks to God. At Ely St John's, we build a fire and bake sugary apples and pears.
Sadly, Mrs Thompson accidently deleted 3Y's photographs- a sure sign that it is the end of half term! Sorry 3Y!
How to Clean a...farm animal!
Year 3 had a super time today cleaning animals!
As part of our English work looking at 'How to clean a Woolly Mammoth', we have been thinking about exactly how we would clean a large animal. We scrubbed, scoured, polished, bathed, rinsed...all to make the animals sparkle and shine!
Afterwards we wrote sentences using these imperative verbs. We wonder how many of these imperative verbs will be heard at bath times this week!
Woolly Mammoth Making
The children followed a set of written instructions today about making a model woolly mammoth.
The Year 3 team have been blown away by their models.
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Children in Need
This morning, Year 3 practised their multiplication and division skills. They had to solve the calculation, then colour in their sheet using a given key. Amazing maths and amazing colouring! A great way to spend part of the morning.
Christingle Making
A Christingle is made from an orange, red ribbon, four small sticks, dried fruits or sweets and a lit candle. Christingle means ‘Christ’s Light’. Christingles are used by Christians to celebrate Jesus as the Light of the World. Christingles are usually used during church services and school assemblies during Advent.
Light Posters
Let there be light!
This morning, Year 3 created posters about light. They used secondary resources to create these very informative posters.
Happy Christmas to all from the Year 3 Team!