Year 4 Remote Learning Page Spring 2022

Year 4 Home Learning 
Spring Term 2022
A little every day!
If you are at home, we would like you to do the ongoing daily tasks, an English and a maths task every day plus a curriculum task. 
If you have any questions about the home learning tasks, please get in touch with us using this email address:
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible but please be aware that this will probably not be during the day as we will be teaching the children in school and, therefore, unable to answer emails.
Ongoing Daily Tasks:
- reading time (at least 25 minutes)
- handwriting practice (10 minutes)
- Times Tables Rock Stars (at least 15 minutes)
- spelling practice (10 minutes)
Daily Handwriting Practice (10 minutes)
Work through the joins in our Handwriting Resource Book (see below).  Choose one join a day and then find some words that contain the join you have practised.  You could also put the words into sentences.
Spelling Practice (10 minutes)
See the Spelling tab for this week's spelling lists.  Remember to look, say, cover, write and check each word.
You could also:
•Put the words into sentences
•Find them in a newspaper article or your current reading book
•Look up their definition in the dictionary
•Find synonyms in a thesaurus
Maths: Daily Warm Up
Complete five calculations from one of the arithmetic tests below (copy the calculations into your book and work out the answers to them there).  You could also log in to Times Tables Rock Stars or look at the Mathematics tab on Purple Mash.
Maths Overview:
English Overview:
The book The Borrowers by Mary Norton is the inspiration for our literacy unit this term.
Curriculum Tasks:
Please aim to complete a curriculum task every day. 
This is the book trailer video you will need to watch to complete the story opening task. 
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