Welcome to Year 4/5

Hello and welcome to Year 4/5.
Our teachers in Year 4/5 are Miss Jordan, Mr Popplewell and Mr Poli.
Our PPA teachers are Mrs Sutcliffe and Mrs Blakeman.
The following TAs work in Year 4/5 at different times in the week: Dr Hartland Mrs Hambley Mrs Cousins Mrs Shooter and Mrs Taylor.
PE days
  Indoor Outdoor
Miss Jordan Friday Wednesday
Mr Popplewell Monday Tuesday
Mr Poli Friday Tuesday
Please come to school, on these days, wearing your PE kit.
Please wear the school uniform PE kit. In winter, when the weather is cold, please wear leggings or joggers and a fleece/sweat shirt in plain dark colours. Please remember a water bottle and please tie back long hair.
Please do not wear jewellery.
Children can bring a fruit snack to school. This will be eaten mid-morning, after playtime.