Joining and Attending our School

Admissions: Children start school in the September of the school year in which they become five. The school's catchment area is the triangle bounded by the south side of West Fen Road to its junction with Downham Road; the south-west side of Downham Road from its junction with West Fen Road to its junction with St Mary's Street; the north side of St Mary's Street from its junction with Downham Road to its junction with Cambridge Road; the west side of Cambridge Road; and the by-pass. This excludes the north side of West Fen Road, the south side of St Mary's Street and its north side from its junction with Downham Road to its junction with Lynn Road, and the east side of Cambridge Road.

Copies of the Admissions Guide for Parents in Cambridgeshire can be obtained by telephoning 0345 045 1370 or visit

Oversubscription Criteria:

Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) / Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school will be admitted. NB. Those children with a statement of SEN / EHCP that does not name the school will be referred to the Statutory Assessment Team (SAT) to determine an appropriate place.


  1. Children in Care, also known as Looked After Children (LAC), and children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so by reason of adoption, a residence order (now known as a child arrangement order) or special guardianship order.

  2. Children living in the catchment area with a sibling at the school at the time of admission;

  3. Children living in the catchment area;

  4. Children living outside the catchment area who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission;

  5.  Children living outside the catchment area who have applied and been unable to gain a place at their Cambridgeshire catchment area school because of oversubscription;

  6.  Children who live outside the catchment area, but nearest the school as measured by a straight line.

The School Day
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1:
Morning Session:      8.45 - 12 noon
Afternoon Session:   1.00 to 3.00 pm
The Infant classes have a 15 minute break during the afternoon.
Key Stage 2:
Morning Session:     8.45 - 12.15 pm
Afternoon Session:  1.10 - 3.05 pm 
Assemblies are held Monday to Thursday from 10.15 - 10.30 am 
and on Fridays 9.00 - 9.30 am.
Our Classes
Foundation Miss Lloyd/Mrs Henry & Mr Meek  Year 3
Mrs Pitt/Mrs Thompson and
Mrs Turner/Miss Copeland
Year 1
Mrs Carter/Mrs Lloyd
and Mr Killick/Mrs Sutcliffe
Year 4/5 Mr Poli, Miss Jordan and Mr Popplewell   
Year 2
Mrs Ban and
Mrs Fretwell/Mrs Grant
Year 6 Mr Preston/Mrs Lloyd and Ms Fellows
Additional teaching staff: Ms Blakeman
In 2023-24 the school will be divided into thirteen classes. Key Stage 1 (infant) will have two classes for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2.  Key stage 2 (junior) is divided into three mixed classes of Y4/5 and two classes for each of Year 3 and 6.
Please do not let your children arrive at school too early. We cannot accept responsibility for them before 8.35am. Conversely, please ensure your child is not late into school. Frequent late arrival means curriculum time is missed. Latecomers must report to the office on arrival.

Please ensure that all Infant children are collected promptly at the end of the school day. Young children become very upset if they think they have been forgotten. If you are delayed for any reason do let us know and we can reassure your child. If you are not able to fetch your child yourself, please let us know who will be coming instead. We do not allow the children to leave school with an unauthorised adult. A book in each KS1 cloakroom can be used to leave messages regarding after school arrangements which is read daily.

In the case of Junior aged children we ask you to let us know what arrangements you have made for them to travel between home and school.