Maths at Home
Maths at Home
Here, at Ely St John's, we have been working on our problem solving skills in maths. We have recently joined the NRICH Problem Solving School Initiative to help us to develop further.
To find out more about NRICH, please click here. The Problem Solving School Charter is here.
To promote the idea of problem solving in maths we would like to offer you the chance to join in at home. NRICH offer free resources to schools and homes and we have posted some of them here for you to try. The idea is to have fun together by trying out ideas and having a go!
There is also a resource called "Can you see what I see?" which is great for maths discussions. Look at the picture and then see if you can see what the compiler saw. This is provided by the Cambridge Maths Team to encourage children to reason about the maths they see.
If you would like to let us know how you got on, please e-mail Ms Fellows via the school office. A quick note or photo would be lovely to add to our maths notice board.
There will be new challenges in a couple of weeks!
Key Stage 1
As it is summer, it would be good to take our maths outside.
Here is an activity to do involving street numbers.
Go out and look at the numbers along the street.
Find odd number sequences; find ones that are even. What is the biggest number you can find? Is it bigger than your house number? If so, by how much? Can you think of the next number? And the next...

15.4.24 KS1
In school this term, we are exploring and in our problem solving.
This is an NRICH Year 2 problem called Busy Bee. Can you work out the number patterns?

Activities suitable for KS1
Let's get going with a game. This is called Strike it out.
This game uses the knowledge of making numbers to 20 by adding and subtracting. The numbers are crossed out on a number line 0-20. It is easy to write a number line out out on a piece of paper or there are lines provided on the page to printout if you prefer.
You could adapt the game to 1-10. There is a video to watch so you can work out together how to play. Have fun!
Key stage 2
In honour of Mr Poli's work in the allotment, here is a problem to solve involving planting garlic.
Click here If you have a planting-things -in-the garden-related maths challenge, please submit to me via the office and I might be able to publish it here for other children to try.

15.4.24 KS2
In school, in KS2, we are also exploring and noticing in our maths problem solving sessions.
You might like to have a look at Holes on Nrich.
There is lots to think about here!

Ideas for KS2
Let's kick off with a game
This is a game called Nice or Nasty and is a game for two.
You just need a die or a spinner to generate numbers and pen and paper to write down the numbers.
There are lots of variations to try if you get hooked.