Year 1

Welcome to Year One
Welcome to Year One! Here you will be able to read about our engaging curriculum and keep up-to-date with the exciting things that are happening.


Quick Reminders

PE days
Mr Killick's class has PE sessions every Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).
Mrs Carter and Mrs Thompson's class has PE sessions every Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor).
Your child will soon bring home at least one book per week and a set of Common Exception Words to practise; please keep their Reading Record and Common Exception Words Tracker in their bags each day. Additionally, a phonics activity will be sent home for them to complete. It focuses on the sound learnt that week and a bookmark listing words containing the sound. Please ensure their phonics folder is in their bag each Friday so we can update it – thank you.

The current Learn Its are jigsaw numbers to 10 (0+10  1+9  2+8  3+7  4+6  5+5  6+4  7+3  8+2  9+1  10+0).  The children are also learning to count in multiples of 5. We aim for these facts to be recalled lightning-fast! Please help your child practise them outside of school to reinforce and embed this learning. Thank you. 
For a more in-depth look at the subjects within the Year 1 curriculum, please see the tabs on the left-hand side of this page. For a brief overview, please see this half term's curriculum information below.
Year One Bulletin