Year 5 PALS - Den Building Activities
Year 5 pupils have been very busy being playground activity leaders (PALS). One of their many responsibilities is to help younger children build safe dens. Children  are slowly building up their knowledge of rope and knot skills as well as becoming more thoughtful about structures that are secure. 
Top Tips being instructed include:
Dragging branches.
Building with 'fist width' wood only.
Removing side branches on long wood.
Roping together wood at joining points.
How high can you go?
This week pupils have been aiming to build the highest stick tower possible. So far, we have reached 33cm. The recorded heights have risen each day and we have an interesting table of data!
Bush Art
In our outdoor learning area we have placed specially made low tables for the creation of forest art.
The joy is that it's a really simple and cheap activity. See if you can tell what materials we have used?
Bush Music
If you take a close look in our Spinney area you might hear the sounds of our wood resonating. You might even hear the beat of tin drums suspended from the trees. Who knows what's next?