Phonics & Maths at Home Summer Term

Phonics and Maths at Home 
Summer Term
The activities and resources below have been put together for those of you who who would like to reinforce and build upon classroom learning at home. You can use them as little or as often as you like, they are not homework activities. Each activity is likely to last around 5 to 10 minutes - little and often is best at this age! 
In the Summer term, we are recapping the digraphs and trigraphs taught throughout the year and using them in reading and writing. Below you will find a variety of activities that can be completed to practise these skills at home, try to do one for each day that your child is away from school. If you choose to use the 'Quick Activities' resource, we suggest only doing 2 slides at a time. You can also visit the Phonics Play website to find more phonics activities.
This term we are using our knowledge of number bonds to solve addition and subtraction problems. Click on the plan below to find activities and resources you can use to practice this at home.