Y2 Design and Technology

Food technology
  • Design—what makes a healthy fruit cocktail
  • Links to food—developing ideas from Yr 1 on food preparation, hygiene and where food comes from, learn about basic nutrition.
  • Measure or weigh using measuring cups 
  • Assemble ingredients
  • Taste
  • Evaluate
Cook eggs linked with The Great Fire of London topic. Children to have a go at cracking eggs and tasting them. 
  • Design—puppet to be purposeful, functional and appealing
  • Understand how to join fabrics using different techniques such as stapling, running stitch and glue.
  • Name and describe a variety of fabrics/materials.
  • Imagine and draw a functional product.
  • Share and record ideas against the original design.
  • Evaluate
Structures and Mechanism
  • Design a lighthouse—to be purposeful, functional and appealing.
  • Skill building—develop skills learnt in FDS and Y 1.
  • Make products, refining the design as work progresses.
  • Tools– use different tools and materials to fit purpose.
  • Evaluate