Y2 Personal, Social and Health Education

PSHE Cycle A Autumn term
Myself and relationships 4 - Beginning and belonging
Children will:
  • Be able to take part in discussions about behaviour that helps make the classroom a safe and happy place to learn.
  • Understand the agreed ground rules.
  • Be able to name the other children in their class and to take part in relationship building activities.
  • Be able to describe some emotions that someone new to the school might feel, and have some ideas of ways to help someone new to feel welcome.
  • Be able to identify people in their Safety Circle who can help them if they are worried or need support, and know how to ask for help.
  • Be able to show some simple strategies for helping other people who need support.
Citizenship 3 - Working together
Children will:
  • Be able to name some of their own strengths and skills.
  • Be able to identify a new skill to develop.
  • Understand and practise listening skills, take turns and make clear explanations.
  • Understand and practise group work skills, including discussion, negotiation and co-operation.
  • Be aware of how their strengths and skills can be useful in a group.
  • Be able to evaluate a group work task.
Myself and Relationships 7 - Anti-Bullying
Children will:
  • Understand that bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour and be able to give examples of the different forms of bullying.
  • Be starting to understand that sometimes people are bullied because they may be different in some way from others.
  • Be able to describe how it feels to be bullied or see someone else being bullied.
  • Be starting to demonstrate simple ways of responding to bullying including the need to be assertive.
  • Be able to demonstrate how to be kind to bullied children.
  • Be able to identify places where bullying may occur at school and be starting to suggest simple strategies to make the school a safer place where bullying is less likely to occur.
PSHE Cycle B Autumn term
Cit 6 - Rights, Rules and Responsibilities.
Children will:
  • Be able to name some adults in school who look after them and describe their responsibilities.
  • Be able to describe some of the responsibilities they have in the classroom and towards family and friends.
  • Be able to state classroom ground rules and explain how they have been made.
  • Understand why we have classroom rules and describe what the classroom would be like without them.
  • Be able to explain what is meant by voting and be able to name some people who make decisions at school.
  • share information, opinions and feelings and listen to those of others, as part of a class discussion
MMR 6 - Family and Friends
Children will:
  • Be able to describe some of the qualities of friendship and to demonstrate skills in making friends.
  • Have developed some strategies for coping when they have friendship problems.
  • Understand that friendships change.
  • Recognise some similarities and differences between them and other children, and understand that difference is positive.
  • Understand that there are different family patterns.
  • Be able to describe what is special about their own family and its members, and about other people they know.
  • Know who they can talk to if they need help and how to ask for it.
Cit 4 - Diversity and Communities. (including anti-bullying week)
Children will:
  • Be able to describe aspects of their identity, and recognise some similarities and differences between themselves and others.
  • Know about some similarities and differences in people's lifestyles, including different groups they and other people belong to.
  • Be able to describe places in their community, how they and others might use them, and who is available to help them.
  • Understand how they can help look after the school environment, and make a contribution to doing so.
  • Know what animals and plants need to survive, and how they can help look after them.
PSHE Cycle A Spring term
Healthy and Safer lifestyles 4 - Managing risk
Children will:
  • Be able to name a risky situation and suggest ways of reducing risk.
  • Be able to name some emotions people might feel in a risky situation.
  • Be able to say their full name and address and know when this might be useful.
  • Be able to suggest some people who might help them in a risky situation.
  • Understand what is meant by an emergency and know ways they and others might help in one.
Healthy and Safer lifestyles 5 - Safety Contexts
Children will:
  • Recognise dangers that traffic poses to them as car passengers and pedestrians.
  • Be able to identify safe places to cross in the local area.
  • Know that wearing suitable clothing, a hat and sun cream are ways to stay safer in the sun.
  • Be able to explain a simple strategy for action if they are lost.
  • Be able to explain simple precautions to take when using playgrounds.
  • Understand ways of preventing common accidents in school or on the school playground.
Myself and relationships 5 - My Emotions
Children will:
  • Be able to describe how they are feeling, including how strong that feeling is.
  • Be able to recognise feelings in others.
  • Have developed some strategies to deal with their own strong emotions, including calming and relaxing themselves.
  • Know that there is a link between thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
  • Begin to understand that how they feel can affect how they approach and tackle tasks, including learning, and have some strategies for regaining a positive frame of mind.
  • Have developed some understanding of the difference between behaviour which is impulsive and that which is thought through.
  • Be able, with support, to use a simple problem solving process and have some strategies to calm themselves down to be ready to solve a problem.
  • know what it feels and looks like to be assertive.
PSHE Cycle B Spring term
HSL 9 - Personal Safety (inc E-Safety)
Children will:
  • Be able to contribute to discussions about personal safety and take an active part in class activities.
  • Be able to identify people at home, at school and in other contexts of their lives to include in their Safety Circle and who they can go to if they have a worry, or a 'no' or 'I'm not sure' feeling.
  • Be able to identify safer places to work and play and know what to do if they get lost.
  • Be able to identify the difference between good and bad secrets as well as 'yes' and 'no' touches, understanding that they are able to say 'no' and tell someone on their Safety Circle.
Children will:
  • Be able to say what it means to stay safe online and why it is important.
  • Be able to review their online identity, image and nickname.
  • Be able to publish their online identity.
  • Begin to know what to do if they see something inappropriate online
HSL 8 - Drug Education
Children will:
  • Have a basic understanding of how things can get in the body and that some can be helpful and some can be harmful.
  • Be aware of safety rules concerning medicines and be able to name people who could help them take them safely.
  • Understand that there can be alternatives to medicine use to feel better.
  • Be able to recognise simple risks and suggest ways of managing given scenarios.
PSHE Cycle A Summer term
Healthy and safer lifestyles 10 - Sex and Relationships
Children will:
  • Be able to recognise babies, children and adults of different ages and put them into age order.
  • Understand that human babies grow inside their mothers.
  • Be able to describe the main physical developments which take place in early childhood.
  • Be able to describe some of the changes in responsibilities and expectations during early childhood.
  • Understand the basic needs of babies.
  • Understand how dependent a baby is on parents to provide its basic needs.
Myself and my relationships 8 - Managing change
Children will:
  • Be able to talk about ways in which they have changed since they were babies as well as identifying recent achievements.
  • Know that change is a normal part of life and that sometimes we can plan for it and sometimes we can't.
  • Identify changes that they or other children might experience in their lives.
  • Name some emotions they or others might feel at particular times of change.
  • Suggest some strategies they might use to cope with times of change, including approaching others for help.
  • Know that change can be positive and something to look forward to.
PSHE Cycle B Summer term
HSL 10 - Sex and Relationships
Children will:
  • Be able to recognise babies, children and adults of different ages and put them into age order.
  • Understand that human babies grow inside their mothers.
  • Be able to describe the main physical developments which take place in early childhood.
  • Be able to describe some of the changes in responsibilities and expectations during early childhood.
  • Understand the basic needs of babies.
  • Understand how dependent a baby is on parents to provide its basic needs.
EW 1 - Financial capability
Children will:
  • Understand that we can receive and spend money in many ways.
  • Know how to save and look after their money and why we might do so.
  • Begin to understand the difference between wants and needs and the need for informed choices.
  • Begin to understand family spending and the impact of choices.
  • Begin to understand and manage some of the changing feelings associated with money.
  • Have a simple understanding of what charities might do and why we have them.
HSL 7 - Healthy lifestyles
Children will:
  • Be able to give examples of how to be healthy and to reflect on their own lifestyles and choices.
  • Be able to explain why healthy eating and physical activity are both important.
  • Know the difference between being active and inactive and know how to maintain health.
  • Be able to say what changes physical and emotionally when they are ative.
  • Be able to talk about food likes and dislikes and give reasons.
  • Understand that food can be divided into different groups and know that for good health we need a balanced diet.