Y1 Art and Design

Essential objective: To develop ideas.
  • Respond to ideas and starting points,
  • Explore ideas and collect visual information,
  • Explore different methods and materials as ideas develop.
Essential objective: To master techniques
Techniques and Skills
  • Draw lines of different sizes and thicknesses,
  • Colour (own work) neatly following the lines.
  • Use thick and thin brushes,
  • Mix primary colours to make secondary.
  • Use a combination of materials that are cut, torn and glued.
  • Use a combination of shapes,
  • Include lines and texture.
  • Use repeating or overlapping shapes,
  • Use objects to create prints (e.g. fruit, vegetables or sponges).
  • Use weaving to create a pattern,
  • Use plaiting.
Digital Media
  • Use a wide range of tools to create different textures, lines, tones, colours and shapes.
Essential objective: To take inspiration from the greats (classic and modern).
  • Describe the work of notable artists, artisans and designers.