Y1 Computing

There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: Digital Literacy, Information Technology, and Computer Science.
Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication.
Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology.
Computer Science is all about understanding how computers and networks work.
Our Computing curriculum is taught using the online platform Purple Mash. Below is a brief outline of the key learning intended for each unit.
Digital Literacy
Online Safety and Exploring Purple Mash
  • To log in safely.
  • To learn how to find saved work in the Online Work area and find teacher comments.
  • To learn how to search Purple Mash to find resources.
  • To become familiar with the icons and types of resources available in the Topics section.
  • To start to add pictures and text to work.
  • To explore the Tools and Games section of Purple Mash.
  • To learn how to open, save and print.
  • To understand the importance of logging out.
Technology Outside School
  • To walk around the local community and find examples of where technology is used.
  • To record examples of technology outside school.
Information Technology
  • To understand that data can be represented in picture format.
  • To contribute to a class pictogram.
  • To use a pictogram to record the results of an experiment.
Animated Story Books
  • To introduce e-books and the 2Create a Story tool.
  • To add animation to a story.
  • To add sound to a story, including voice recording and music the children have composed.
  • To work on a more complex story, including adding backgrounds and copying and pasting pages.
  • To share e-books on a class display board.
  • To know what a spreadsheet program looks like.
  • To locate 2Calculate in Purple Mash.
  • To enter data into spreadsheet cells.
  • To use 2Calculate image tools to add clipart to cells.
  • To use 2Calculate control tools: lock, move cell, speak and count.
Computer Science 
Grouping and Sorting
  • To sort items using a range of criteria.
  • To sort items on the computer using the ‘Grouping’ activities in Purple Mash.
Lego Builders
  • To compare the effects of adhering strictly to instructions to completing tasks without complete instructions.
  • To follow and create simple instructions on the computer.
  • To consider how the order of instructions affects the result.
Maze Explorers
  • To understand the functionality of the direction keys.
  • To understand how to create and debug a set of instructions (algorithm).
  • To use the additional direction keys as part of an algorithm.
  • To understand how to change and extend the algorithm list.
  • To create a longer algorithm for an activity.
  • To set challenges for peers.
  • To access peer challenges set by the teacher as 2Dos.
  • To understand what instructions are and predict what might happen when they are followed.
  • To use code to make a computer program.
  • To understand what objects and actions are.
  • To understand what an event is.
  • To use an event to control an object.
  • To begin to understand how code executes when a program is run.
  • To understand what backgrounds and objects are.
  • To plan and make a computer program.