Y1 Religious Education

Areas of study
  • Harvest: Who do we need to thank for the bread that we eat?
  • What happens at Christmas?
  • People and the world around us
  • Who is in our community?
  • What do Jews believe?
Progress Targets - End of Year 1 

PT1 - Knowledge and understanding of religion and worldviews
  • Be familiar with key words and vocabulary related to Christianity and may be at least one other religion and worldview.
  • Encounter a variety of religious and moral stories from Christianity, one other religion and worldview.
  • Show how individuals and faith communities celebrate life events.
  • Begin to name the different beliefs and practices of Christianity, and at least one other religion.
PT2 - Responding to religion and worldviews
  • Begin to talk about different beliefs and practices using the correct vocabulary.
  • Begin to suggest meanings behind religious and moral stories.
  • Ask or respond to questions about how individuals and faith communities live.
  • Express their own ideas and belief and practices creatively.